national delicacy

The First Europeans

  • ID: 2284
  • ნახვები: 11116
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    ტურის გამართვის პერიოდი
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დამატებითი ინფორმაცია

This route includes the familiarization of the oldest temples of Georgia, located in picturesque natural canyons and gorges. The most important is the discovery in 2001 which changed the science about movement of human being all over the Universe. The relics of hominids were found on the territory of ancient town Dmanisi, who lived here 1.8 million years ago. These settlements were declared as the first, outside Africa. That’s why Georgians can bravely prove that they are the first Europeans. This is a rare place in the Universe where the footprints of Bronze Age as well as bones of ‘human being walking straightly’ can be seen and found. Temple Bolnisi is famous with its cross, called as ‘Bolnisi Cross’ and inscription of 5th century which was assumed as the first one for a long period of time. Site of ancient settlement Dmanisi-these are the ruins of a big town which existed on the crossroad of the rivers Mashavera and Moshevani in the past. The people used to settle here in the early Bronze Age – around 3000 years ago B.C. the town was built approximately in VI century, documentary proved in IX century. The monastery Betania was founded in the 12th century in the reign of the Queen Tamara. Due to the rich décor and frescos it could be proved that this monastery was quite powerful church brotherhood. Betania monastery surrounded by lush vegetation.

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