Discover SamegreloSamegrelo

Samegrelo is distinguished by the abundance of water bodies. Here you will find rivers, waterfalls, the sea shoreline, although there are many swamps as well. It is interesting that the Megrelian dialect is actually a different language and is not understandable to a person speaking Georgian.

What to see in Samegrelo

Nature: Martvili Canyon, Tobavarchkhili, Oniore Waterfall, Kolkheti National Park

Cultural monuments: Dadiani Palace, Nokalakevi, Otsindale complex

Resort: Anaklia, Lebarde, Tsaishi

Climate of Samegrelo

Samegrelo has a humid subtropical sea climate. It is characterized by humid warm climate, snowless winters and hot summers. Highland parts have short summers and relatively cold weather.

Megrelian cuisine

Megrelian dishes are quite spicy and mixed with spices. Adjika is one of the main attributes of the table. Among the types of cheese, sulguni is popular, which is used in many foods. Traditional dishes are: Elarji, Sup-Kharcho, Gebzhalia.

Among the common grape varieties in Samegrelo are: Tsolikouri, Krakhuna, Abshilauri, Margali, Machkvaturi, Ojaleshi and other varieties.

საინტერესო ფაქტები
  • The region is rich in a variety of minerals;
  • There are 2441 rivers in Samegrelo;
  • Here you will find a huge stone Kuakantsiala, which starts shaking even at the slightest touch of the hand, and no one was able to move it;
  • One of the most beautiful places in Georgia - Tobavarchkhili is located in Samegrelo. Toba in Megrelian means lake, and Varchkhili means silver.
  • Hiking and nature lovers are advised to visit the alpine lakes.
  • მუნიციპალიტეტები: 8
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