national delicacy

“Grandpas Inn”

  • ID: 892
Дополнительная информация

On the magnificent heels of Svaneti, in  the midst of village Ifari  where  two rivers Enguri and Bogrishi  meets,  you can find a small family hotel  “Grandpas Inn”. Here you will be met with family atmosphere.  Hotel  has  4 bedrooms with beautiful view on untouched nature of Georgia, 2 bathrooms,  a cozy living room, a kitchen and parking place. Also guest will have access to internet. You will have chance to order breakfast, lunch and dinner with traditional dishes of Svaneti. Hotel will provide transportation to any direction you desire.

Prices: person a night (without meals) – 35 Gel

One meal a day – 45 Gel

Two meals a day – 55 Gel

Three meals a day – 65 Gel

Цена Цена со сделкой
  • grene
    Расположение Ifari 
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